21 Sep 2021

DFUSION video analytics obtains CPNI certification


Once again, DAVANTIS has cemented its technological leadership by developing excellent perimeter security systems for critical infrastructures and all types of installations. DFUSION and DFUSION PRO, our smart video analytics systems for perimeter security, are now CPNI certified. Obtaining CPNI certification is an enormous achievement for our artificial intelligence based technology, which has fulfilled CPNI requirements for critical infrastructures.

The Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure is the UK government authority that provides security advice to businesses and organisations throughout the national infrastructure. The CPNI protects national security of the United Kingdom by reducing vulnerability to national threats such as terrorism, espionage, and sabotage. The CPNI’s advice focuses primarily on the Critical National Infrastructure sites that make up the national infrastructure for the continuous delivery of essential services to the United Kingdom.

After a CPNI evaluation of our technology, systems, and components, DFUSION has been approved for inclusion in the Catalogue of Security Equipment (CES). In this certification process, two CPNI classification systems, class classification and protection levels are used, according to the nature of the asset and the threat. The results of the tests were excellent, with a 0% rate of false alarms when technology was subjected to an extensive battery of tests and stimuli and gave no false alarms. While our DAVIEW range had already been certified, renewing our Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure certification for DFUSION enhances our international presence and expansion.

DAVANTIS is extremely proud of this international recognition that endorses the extraordinary precision and efficiency in critical infrastructures and other facilities achieved by using DFUSION for perimeter protection.

See info



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​Our website is now available in Italian!