Golf Courses

Cobertura grandes extensiones

Coverage Large extensions

Videovigilancia contínua 24/7

Continuous video surveillance 24/7

Integración CRAs, PSIM y VMS

CMS, PSIM and VMS Integration

Perimeter Security for Golf Courses

Video analytics are ideal for protecting golf courses with enormous perimeters, which are often located in isolated areas. They need optimal security systems to keep trespassers out and protect them from theft, vandalism and even arson. Round-the-clock video surveillance systems are required to give maximum protection on large sites.

Our intelligent video analytics systems integrate with all CMS, VMS and PSIM alarm management platforms to give customers maximum flexibility in protecting their assets.

Total integración

Total integration

Compatible with alarm management platforms such as CMS, VMS and PSIM to create integrated perimeter security systems that include alarm notifications and intrusion evaluation by CCTV.

Reducción Falsas Alarmas

Fewer false alarms

With two detection engines, our video analytics systems combine algorithms that blend image appearance and motion with maximum accuracy to reduce false alarms without missing detections.

Adaptación al entorno

The right solution

Golf courses and other leisure facilities are often located far from urban areas. However, DFUSION adapts to these circumstances by improving accuracy and providing more calibration options for your security system.

Imágenes en tiempo real

Real-time images

Facilities with long perimeters require real-time access to all CCTV cameras and images to facilitate alarm verification and trigger security guidelines.

Certificado por el CPNI

CPNI Certification

Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure