28 Feb 2023

False Alarm Reduction with Video Analytics

Reducción Falsas Alarmas con Vídeo Análisis

Video surveillance systems are designed to detect unwanted threats and intruders at the site perimeter. However, control centres receive endless false alarms that have to be managed and which are a waste of resources.

False alarms are a problem in perimeter security, as they can lead to increased costs, they reduce efficiency and cause a loss of confidence in the surveillance system.

Our video analytics solutions are the ideal technology to deal with false alarms. Systems based on artificial intelligence have been a watershed for alarm management and control centres. DFUSION can drastically reduce unwanted alarms. In some real installations, this reduction has been up to 95%.

There are many reasons for false alarms, ranging from errors in system operation to environmental factors, animals and human error. It is a problem that alarm-receiving centres deal with daily that wastes time and resources.

Not all video analytics work the same way or are equally effective. However, using good video analytics technology can be critical to reducing false alarms in security projects, particularly those where the perimeter is the first barrier of protection and control.

How do video analytics systems reduce false alarms?

Object classification: artificial intelligence algorithms enable you to classify objects. This means you can distinguish between real threats and false alarms. For example, you can distinguish between real events and alarms triggered by small animals, objects (bins, balls …), vegetation, leaves or branches, etc.

Motion detection: to be able to identify suspicious detect patterns of movement that pose a threat and distinguish them from innocent movements within the scene, such as environmental changes.

Environmental changes: our video analytics systems are so accurate that they adapt to all types of environments, achieving maximum detection over long distances, in adverse weather conditions and in areas of poor lighting.

Integration with other technologies: our versatile, compatible video analysis solutions allow us to design robust security systems, as they can easily integrate with other technologies such as access control systems, deterrent devices, fire alarms, and alarm management platforms, among others.

In the case of integration with VMS, ARCs and PSIM, DFUSION gives real-time access to the images to immediately verify the alarms and decide how to react in a question of seconds.

Say goodbye to false alarms from your CCTV video surveillance system! Gain efficiency and accuracy with our intelligent video analytics solutions.

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​Our website is now available in Italian!

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Detect and deter intruders with AI, BEFORE they commit a crime