02 Nov 2021

New partnership with Focus Security in Norway

Blog Focus

DAVANTIS is always on the move, taking our video analytics solutions worldwide to create more efficient, cost-effective perimeter security systems, hence our exciting new business partnership with Norwegian security technology company Focus Security.

DAVANTIS and Focus Security specialise in security technology solutions, deploying the latest high-quality, effective innovations to safeguard and protect their customers. Our new partnership is an important step in DAVANTIS’ strategy to increase its influence in Nordic countries by forging mutually advantageous partnerships. These alliances are based on expertise and knowledge of smart video analytics to satisfy installers, monitoring stations and end-users across Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark.

Our mission is to supply reliable, high-tech video analytics solutions for use with CCTV video surveillance systems, improving efficiency and cost-effectiveness for small, medium-sized and critical infrastructures. The technology in our DFUSION deep learning-based video analytics solutions is CPNI certified and has passed stringent precision tests, reducing the rate of false alarms by more than 95%.

DAVANTIS provides hybrid video analytics solutions that combine algorithms that analyze both appearance and movement of images, not just a few still frames, giving highly precise detection and no missed security breaches. Our technology uses continual learning to achieve far superior results than traditional video analytics, offering higher precision and a drastic reduction in false alarms. As a result, DFUSION enables smart, cost-effective facility management for surveillance and control of modern buildings, industrial units, residential properties, industries and other types of infrastructures.

DAVANTIS looks forward to working closely with Focus Security in the years to come on technology transformation and innovation plans for the perimeter security sector, installing and configuring smart video analytics systems. Get all the information about our perimeter video analytics solutions!


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Detect and deter intruders with AI, BEFORE they commit a crime